The Lake City Public Library serves the residents of Lake City and the surrounding area. As a member of SELCO, the regional library system, we have access to items from all libraries in Southeastern Minnesota. In addition to traditional check out items, we offer internet access, and special events such as children’s programming and community movie nights.
We are located on the southeast corner of High and Center Streets, across the street from City Hall, one block south of Lyon Avenue(Hwy 63) and one block west of Lakeshore Drive(Hwy 61).
In 1910, the move to relocate the library to the town square was initiated by the donation of the land from the Tryon estate. With funds from the Carnegie Foundation, the Carnegie-Tyron free public library was constructed in 1921. This library, which is said to have even had a giant stuffed sailfish hanging over the front stairs, was much beloved, and was well-supported, including many capital donations from expansion and subsequent construction from the Patton family. However, by the early 1960’s, the town had outgrown the library, and in 1966 the building was razed and a new library constructed on the expanded site. Many today view the Carnegie-Tryon library as one of the most important lost resources of the City.
Source: City of Lake City Historic Context Study, Zahn, Thomas R. & Associates; Gladhill, Bethany
201 South High Street
Lake City, MN 55041